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Old 03-10-2005, 11:49 AM   #1
High Propagandist
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 111
The US was founded to protect God given rights

"You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe." - John Adams

The founding fathers and the genesis of America is the protection of inealieble rights given by the creator, plain and simple. For human secularists to interpret or misuse the provision for the seperation of church and state to question the effect of cannon on law is presumptious and short sighted. A representation of the ten commandments sit in the highest court in this land, the supreme court. Why people would want to strictly limit the law to what Adams called, "human laws" is unclear. No matter what you think of the Universe, no man can say with complete assuredness what someone else deserves or doesn't deserve. There has been a general, almost ignorant resitance by evangelicals in this country to thwart this trend, but there are those that do understand what a major shift this represents, not only culturally, but to the country overall. The justice system, laws, and the sanctity of human rights will be assaulted by efforts to minimize the concept of the creator in our legal system and society. The Creator can be defined as creation itself, even an atheist has to see that. Fate, nature, or just plain coincidence far exceeds any human's comprehension, that in and of itself has to be respected.

In the end to rest the entirety of law on "human law" is dangerous and weak. There needs to be a recognition of a higher power, otherwise what is to keep the justice system in check? magistrates? yeah right. The details of whatever God, or existence is, really is irrelevant, it's truly the fact that we are here, and we didn't ask to be here, and men are flawed and weak. To allow secular thought pervade every aspect of public life is a mistake.

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