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Old 03-14-2005, 06:25 PM   #62
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Originally Posted by Brown Thrasher
It's the social issue in most cases.
Is is a social issue or is it a biological issue?

IMO, if it was a biological cause then all children of all alcoholics/addicts would be addicted, but we don't see that. Even children with the same parents, some may addict, some don't. So it can't be (purely) biological. any moreso than murder's children going on to murder other people is purely biological.

The fact is, we can't be sure if it's biological or if it's social. We know for a fact that social causes are at work here; our society glamorizes drinking and in many cases, drug abuse. Our society says "it's ok" to imbibe, but then when people get addicted they are excused with "oh, it's biological".

It's a choice to drink. It is a choice to continue drinking. When faced with continuing to drink or going through withdrawl, most opt to continue. It's a harder choice to detox, obviously no one wants to suffer through the pain and symptoms, or trying to get their shit together to make better choices about their whole lifestyle (dealing with the issues they started taking drugs or drinking to get away from).

It's all about choice and personal responsibility.

If it was biologically impossible to quit, then no one could....

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Last edited by OnyxCougar; 03-14-2005 at 06:29 PM.
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