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Old 03-28-2005, 03:19 PM   #24
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
Lookout, the whole point of my rant was that it was Easter and I made crappy tips. I average 18%-20% and up every shift, unless it's tour bus season (old people on pensions) or a holiday. I generally make good tips and get good comment cards, and I don't go around bitching about the money I make because it's pretty good. I would never, ever be rude or give an attitude to a customer, no matter how they treat me. I really don't think I need to look inward and it's not about finding a new restaurant, because I usually do well there. My whole point was just that people tip like shit on holidays, especially Easter and Mother's day. It's like they are forced to go out and they really don't want to spend the money. My rant was that my Easter sucked, not my everday tips, just the tips from the scum that comes out on holidays.

Noodle, I don't demand 20%. I think 18% is a nice tip, but 15% means I must've done something wrong. And when I rack my brains out and I really can't think of one thing that was off about their dining experience or my attitude, it leads me to the logical conclusion that they are cheap and looking to get away with leaving as little as humanely possible for a job very well done.
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