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Old 04-01-2005, 09:33 PM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 24
Woodbridge - Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre - The ghost or ghosts who haunt the Lazy Susan have been known to rearrange the chairs & place settings in the dining room.� Several people have reported seeing unexplained lights moving around backstage, and many people have reported feeling a "presence" when alone in the theatre.

Woodbridge - Old haunted orphan houses - Many years ago off of Route 1 in Woodbridge, Virginia were several houses that belonged to old families who would adopt orphans as a way of life. The problem is that big corporal companies came in to build over the houses and so the families were evicted. Years later when the land had begin to furnish again, contractors decided to build over the houses since the plan to construct when they had been torn down had been shunned. When construction began several appearances had been sighted of children running around and giggling in the woods. Machinery started to malfunction and people started to disappear in the woods when bodies of the children had been found in unmarked stone graves around the houses. The area of land is located across from the junkyard that sits across the street from the original orphan house all the way to the forest miles behind and next to Potomac library. The only people who were able to survive in the area and camp there were homeless people. It is said that the orphans take pity on their misfortune and spare them the life they had previously lead. That goes to show even the dead show sympathy.

Woodbridge - Skini Fatz Bar/Restaurant - Skini Fatz theme has been�changed a lot over the years. They have�witnessed�lights turning on after they've�closed for the night. An older man in what�is used as the waitress dressing area.��also there have been reports from various people stating they've�seen a young man in the parking lot. This gentleman was hit�by a car about 10-15 years ago.�Overall the place is eclectic�both in looks and in other fashions. It's an overall neat place to go and check out one night. The manager there is a really nice guy. And the best part of all is you can look around pretty much the entire place.

hmmm maybe i should check out these places
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