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Old 04-05-2005, 10:36 AM   #13
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: under the weather
Posts: 2,656
I loathe Microsoft, mainly because I feel powerless to use anything else, and they seem to deliberately engineer their products to fail. Their customer service reps read from scripts in a call center in Bangladesh and appear to have never actually used the software. But I can't bring myself to switch to something less "convenient." Furthermore, I'm afraid if I switch to Linux, MS will find out and send jackbooted thugs to beat me up in my sleep. I'm such a sheep, and Bill Gates is the demonic shepherd.

Starbucks sells the most overrated coffee in the world. It has that weird burnt aftertaste that everyone equates with "quality" when it's just burnt. IMO That people will pay 5 bucks for 8 ounces of water that has been dripped through burnt beans amazes me.

AT&T has screwed up my phone bill for 6 months running. But I pay a flat rate for unlimited long distance (that is, once I make my monthly call to remind them of the fact, and get my bill fixed).

I've never had anything but great customer service from:
eMachines (cheap computers, but knowledgeable staff - who'da thunk it)
Remington (excellent firearms, and if one breaks, they fall all over themselves fixing it)
Cabela's (no-questions-asked return policy, the best store in the world)
McDonalds (the food sucks, but I have never ever had any McDonalds kid be an asshole to me, or fail to say "thank you, come again." I wonder if they are brainwashed, or just get caned if they step out of line, but it works).
Progressive Insurance (had to get it for the SR-22 coverage, but as it turns out, they do a better job than most, and really do tell you if someone else is cheaper.)
Sìn a nall na cuaranan sin. -- Cha mhór is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh
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