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Old 04-05-2005, 05:31 PM   #10
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In Illinois:
Colona - Kauzlarich House - There had been shadows in the halls and things turning on and off without being touched
i was born and raised in this town of 3,000. never heard this name before in my life. never heard of any hauntings at all.
Macomb - Western Illinois University - Simpkins Hall - This building is the second oldest on campus. It was a grade school, high school, and finally the English building. There is a janitor that haunts the third floor. Many a professor has claimed that the janitor turns off their office light and closes the door while they were still working within. A little girl roams the 1st floor. You can here her little running footsteps and an occasional giggle. If you're lucky she asks if "you want to play".
spent 3 years of my life in this building. never a sound.
Milan - Milan Manor Apartment Woods
mysterious sighting aren't that uncommon in crack houses, ya know?
Rock Island - The Villa - The Villa, back in the early 1900's The Villa was a school for girls, like dormitories.
get thee to a nunnery, because that's what this was. i've stayed the night in that building many times as they rented it out for different youth events in the late '80's and early '90's. not a sound. awesome old building though. visually it would be perfect for making up these kind of stories.
Galesburg - Knox College
yep, spent time there too. never heard anything about this one.

in arizona:
Anthem - The desert - In 1986 a couple of campers in the desert were camping when they seen the ghosts of Indians riding horses, shooting arrows at them. Every year there has been a man seen holding a lantern, trying to hitchhike to Phoenix. It has been reported that this man was killed when a car ran him over. In present day Anthem by the prison, in the 1800s a mining tunnel was made that went a mile under the earth. This tunnel collapsed and killed 10 workers in the horrible accident. The ghosts of several coyotes and deer can be seen in New River. They were killed by hunters and they will try to attack, tourists who try to touch them. Every month at the start of the month Ufos will be seen in the desert. One friend of mine said he seen a "little green man" Many of the ghosts in the desert or in Anthem will try to hurt people. One man was killed after he tried to see ghosts and aliens and his soul is just one of the many who haunts this area.
this guy smokes some good stuff. this is right by my house. mine? UFO's? prison?
Glendale - Deer Valley High School - Random Romeo haunting that has lasted 20 years. Auditorium patrons and players have experienced many occurrences of the supernatural. Kids crying in the back hall, a longing wail of affection for a lost lover, and the untimely shorting out of lighting and sound equipment.
20 years? the school isn't even that old.
Phoenix - 19th Avenue & Northern - Many heard whimpering sounds and crying down the long dark corridors, and most were too afraid to venture deep into the basement where stories of torture and murder ran rampant.
no basements in the area due to flooding issues.

i don't know who gathers all of these stories, but i like whoever it is. they are just brimming with BS. i bet they'd be fun to drink a few beers and BS with for awhile.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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