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Old 04-12-2005, 12:17 AM   #55
Getting older every day
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 308
'Omar Hassan Al-Bashir: It is a known fact that to this day, Israel hasn't determined its borders, and everyone knows that the two blue stripes on the Israeli flag symbolize the Nile and the Euphrates – that is, that the Nile and the Euphrates should be within Israel's borders. Therefore, Israel's expansionist and aggressive intentions are fundamental, and anyone who thinks otherwise is trying to bury his head in the sand - like an ostrich, burying his head in the sand. We know that Israel wants to annex Iraq and the Egyptian delta to the "Greater Israel." This "Greater Israel" is an indispensable part of their faith. After all this, we say we want to make peace with Israel… This would merely be a truce, which Israel would accept in order to destroy the lands it occupied and in order to take more lands and to destroy them as well, until it fulfills its ideological goals.
Wolf, what did you think when you read this one? How can this guy believe this stuff?
History is a great teacher; it is a shame that people never learn from it.
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