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Old 05-31-2002, 11:10 AM   #43
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Originally posted by downside
And also, how are Asians 'mutts'? I expect racist slang to be low-brow, but this doesn't seem to make any sence.
Uh, try Asian Americans, like I said. You know. Half Chinese, Half Hick. Or, in the case of my friend Jason, just Half Chinese, Half Caucasian.

I think you give to much credit to a pack of idiots.

The terrorists were aiming to take lives, not waste our money. It probably never occurred to them what the damage cost did to our economic system. To them, it was probably a welcome surprise.

And It doesn't take much to learn to fly. 12 year olds do it all the time. So how is it that plowing a plane into the tallest building is brilliant? It was the large building out there; alls they had to do was steer.
See, what you're doing here is discrediting them. It's what a large portion of the American public has done, and for good reason - we want to believe that these were just a bunch of loonies, a bunch of idiots, that did this. 'Cause we can take a bunch of idiots, can't we? We can crush these idiots. We don't want to admit that we're up against a difficult and intelligent enemy. I don't blame you for viewing them this way, but I think it's very inaccurate. Those in the intelligence field will tell you the same.

In your next argument, explain to me the effect the Holocaust had on my local bread factory and why Hitler was brilliant. That arguement, although interesting, is just as useful as this.
Brilliant does not mean that a person is incapable of atrocities. The fact of the matter is that Adolf Hitler was a highly intelligent person. He was a <b>brilliant</b> orator. He was <b>brilliant</b> in his ability to assemble the support of Germany. He also had a lot of misplaced hatred and managed to accomplish one of the most horrific mass murders in the history of the world.

Again, it's easier to discredit monsters like Hitler as idiots and loonies (though Hitler may indeed have had some serious mental issues). However, again, it is incorrect to do so, and short sighted. The first rule of war is to know your enemy. We need to look at them from a rational, non-emotional point of view and attempt to understand the who's, the what's, the when's, the where's, the how's and, most importantly, the why's. Why did 3,000+ people die on September 11th? Was it because a bunch of mentally retarded Arabs managed to commandeer four jets and fly them into buildings? No. It was because a very well planned operation was successfully executed by people willing to die for their cause. Do not underestimate them.
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