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Old 05-31-2002, 12:26 PM   #6
Posts: n/a
I was giving mine and he was reading his from a book.
Actually, my opinion has been formulated and tweaked over the past nine months, having read many pieces and discussed, at great length, what happened on 9/11 and why. I realize that you're simply trying to discredit me by proposing that I am not a thinker, but a follower. Again, I won't take your insults personally.

Some are mad, others impressed
You're obviously referring to me again, which is fine - we were debating. However, I find it particularly absurd that you accuse others of needing "more time to read", but have obviously not read, nor made any attempt to understand, my view that the 9/11 attacks were well planned. I never said that I was impressed - these are words that you are trying to add into my argument to make it look as though I am a terrorist sympathizer. I am not, but I am most certainly capable of remembering what I argued. This sort of shit isn't going to cut it around here, putting words in someone's proverbial mouth. If you're in the habit of doing so, maybe you should lurk for a while before engaging in debate again.

I certainly welcome challenges to my views, and I'm completely supportive of differing opinions. But one thing that is unacceptable in intelligent discussion is "making shit up". All you end up doing is discrediting yourself, especially when you're arguing with someone who knows how to carry themselves in these types of debates.

Welcome to the Cellar.
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