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Old 04-26-2005, 01:05 PM   #14
Angus O'Mann, Poet Laureate, New Utopia
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 12
My friends, sarcasm is easy. Any and every dullard can do it. It may feel good to take easy potshots in a little group of like-minded conformist peers, each showing off the little bits of Junior College education that managed to embed itself in your grey matter between bong hits. It is easy because you do not expect to be challenged. And if you are, somehow, you will respond with more superficial sarcasm. You can pretend that it passes for substance, that it is a suitable replacement for a moral stance, or a point-of-view, but it does not.

What do you know of Ayn Rand? The book cover, or the wisdom bestowed CliffsNotes? You know nothing of Ayn Rand... or you would show more respect. And you know nothing of Prince Lazarus Long, of Queen Maureen, or of the Principality of New Utopia. This is a man who dares to answer Thoeau's challenge, to not only build castles in the air, but to put the foundation under them. I am proud to be part of the cadre of Believers who will follow this man to the end of the Earth, no matter how ludicrous detractors judge the effort.

As you read the following poem, ask yourself: Which are you? Then proceed to ridicule me at will. I may be a fool, but I know which I am.

Poem: "There are few who build up/And many tear down/But most just keep buzzing/ Around and around."

Angus O'Mann, Poet Laureate, Principality of New Utopia
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