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Old 05-06-2005, 01:42 PM   #5
unerringly questioning
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Whitehorse, Yukon
Posts: 100
I thought I recognised that Lynx....

February 1, 2000


WHITEHORSE – The Department of Renewable Resources has a new agreement this year to help the State of Colorado in its efforts to re-establish a lynx population.

The state hopes as many as 25 Yukon lynx can be captured for relocation. Last year, it received only 11 of an anticipated 20 animals because of a late start in the program and unusually cold weather. Colorado is also looking for lynx from Alaska and British Columbia.

Yukon’s expenses are recoverable from Colorado.

The Yukon Trappers Association is playing a direct role in the program this year after requesting that it be the agency to select trappers for live trapping. All other aspects of the program will be managed by Renewable Resources.

The relocation program has the support of the association and the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, as a way to provide trappers with an additional source of income.

Conditions for trappers who want to participate include completing a trapper education course, demonstrated past experience in trapping, handling and caring for large fur-bearers, and attendance at a one-day course on capturing and handling live lynx and use of special leg snares.

Trappers must guarantee that a lynx will arrive in Whitehorse within 36 hours of being captured. All lynx will be subject to inspection by a conservation officer and a local veterinarian.

The trapper will be paid for the lynx after it is approved for shipment. The Colorado Department of Natural Resources is offering $1,200 Canadian for females and $800 for males.

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