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Old 05-19-2005, 04:08 PM   #33
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
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I'm not in AZ, in the heat of the action, so its interesting to get your perspective.

First, I admit my immense ignorance of Pentagon spending history and military stuffs. Still, it seems to me that there is so much going on with these big contract deals, that to have some essential equiptment blocked just because of ego, seems oversimple. If McCain is checking the power of Rumsfeld/Bush, I wonder what the rest of the story is...

What should happen to old military bases? You support innovation on one hand, preservation on the other? I'm just saying its not a simple thing of supporting the military or not, its which military.
The weasley thing is if he can be pegged for the bait and swich maneuver.

I dont love McCain, he's anti choice, throws bones to the religious right, he didnt question strongly enough the Iraq war, although seems to be pounding the intelligence gaffs after the fact. His economic, corporate, gun, healthcare, education votes are pretty split. He did vote against media conglomeration/monopolies, supports the illusion of govt reform, supports stem cell research, he seems willing to disagree with the party, and question when it isnt necessarily the easiest move. I guess that impresses me most. Maybe its a case of Bush's crew making Reganesque republicans look moderate and likeable!
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