Thread: NOAA Weather
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Old 05-24-2005, 03:21 PM   #29
lurkin old school
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 2,796
I believe the start of this was that the government dare offer the weather in Spanish. If your English version is available, what do you care? How are you slighted or inconvienced in any way? What are you really so afraid of?

The Latino boom in our city has increased the amount of Spanish language signage and services, and enhanced my existence through mercados, interesting radio stations, and excellent food!

Travelers of all origins can/may choose to be insular assholes but they'd miss what's great about exploring new places and people. My experience has been that no matter how ignorant, (I speak one language and often do that poorly) if you act with respect you'll be met with it.

And as a former food service worker, the ugly customer thing is pretty lively English on English, as well. Jag's caution is well stated.
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