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Old 05-24-2005, 06:05 PM   #6
Tangerine & Chocolat Chick
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Somewhere in Ontario
Posts: 12
We can't really go against what natural selection has in store for us, but we can make sure we are not affecting this process. We pollute the air, and take away habitats from animals. Is that fair?

We were given the gifts of telling right from wrong--that is how we evoloved. But just because we have those priveliges, does that mean we can take it away from endangered species? Since we seem to be the most versatile creature on this earth, we need to use our abilities to help the earth, not hurt it!!!!

If another species had the power to save us from extinction, would you want them to do it? Or would you want society to become slowely wiped off the face of the earth?

When we look down on the endangered blah blah, and say "we are better than this little animal, and if it can't live, why should it?" is that what we would like to have done to us? I don't think so!

Empathy is not a word alot of us really understand, clearly...
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