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Old 05-25-2005, 02:45 AM   #1
Rock Steady
Day Tripper
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Silicon Valley
Posts: 784
Apology and Introduction

I have been posting under the female moniker Gwennie!, but I am a 50 yo male software engineer. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I was just goofing around and I didn't expect to last at this forum. But, I got attached to this place. I didn't mean to mess around with anyone. I figure No harm, no Foul. Everything I said under the other moniker was true except the genders. Anyway, I apologize.

At most forums I belong to, I am Rock Steady. I am obsessed with Gwen Stefani. In an attempt to embrace reality, here is an introduction.

At home, I have a wonderful wife and two teenagers. My high-school-senior son has a high-functioning form of autism known as Asperger Syndrom. That and our teenage daughter keep us busy. My wife is a classical pianist. We are from Long Island and lived in Pittsburgh, PA for 15 years beforing moving to the Silicon Valley in 1997.

Started programming in BASIC in high school in 1971 on a TTY-33 over a 110 baud modem to a PDP-10. Got my CS PhD in 1984. Been a search engineer since 1996. I am a chief software architect at one of the largest Internet advertising networks serving over 9 B impressions a month. (In a face near you, ha.) My job is to use linguistic analysis to target advertising to the content of the web page on which the ad appears.

Made some stock option money in the internet bubble, but I blew my early retirement seed funding my own company. We got several VC meetings but no investment. After nine months I laid off all four employees. Last year I was fortunate enough to sell my company and join the parent company as an employee. I continue my work at this fast-growing highly-profitable company.

I have a weakness for consumer electronics.

I am a big fan of the Steelers, Raiders, Trailblazers, and Warriors. Starting next season I have Warriors season tix.

I like the Cellarites. You guys rawk.
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