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Old 06-20-2005, 02:21 PM   #1
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
To the Phila/PA/NE peeps

Hi everyone,

As some of you know, I'm in the process of moving back to St. Louis. Originally, I was going to wait until the 2nd week of July, but I have decided that I need to get home and start my new life as soon as's just time to get this show on the road. Therefore, I am leaving Philadelphia for good late next week.

Hopefully I'll see most of you either this Thursday night (at McMenamin's) or Saturday (at Forks). But if not, I'll be having dinner at Johnny Mañana's in East Falls next Monday night, if anyone wants to join me. And if not there, then this is a goodbye of sorts.

It's been a pleasure knowing all of you Philadelphia/Pennsylvania/NE folks...each of you has made me a better person in some way, shape or form. Best wishes to you all, and if you're ever out in the midwest, look me up.

See you in St. Louis next week.

el sicómoro
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