Thread: The Sex Thread
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Old 06-28-2005, 03:35 AM   #301
Rock Steady
Day Tripper
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Silicon Valley
Posts: 784
Originally Posted by cowhead
hey there rock.. I work with a local 'fetish troupe' uh ( help/do the food.. that's all I've seen enough goth breast to last me a lifetime) if you need/want something like that.. I'm sure it can be arranged.. just after the initial part leave me out of it. (and not saying that there is anything remotely wrong about it.. it's just not my thing.. I work there for money.. and yeah. getting to paste clam shells on womens breasts with a little ganocchi (until they sweat too much anyway) the next thing you know the chocolate falls off... yurk... odd thing with that is that I am there to do a job, they are all looking for potential partners, I'm no prude but... really if you want the website. gimmie a little time and all your fantasies can be real (hey! isn't that a line from bladerunner?/do androinds dream of electric sheep?)
Wow, that's pretty amazing. I ran across a show on HBO called "Real Sex". It showed some of these fetish troupes, people would get naked and wear only horse gear and stuff like that. I thought the members "worked" on each other. I didn't realize they hired people to help with the festivities.

Ran across this show twice. The other time they showed this bar/club with all women and some of them wore a strap-on penis, and they would screw other women with it.

Actually both times, I watched for a while, but got bored with it and flipped channels.

As for my fantasies, I'm just blowing hot air. I am not very bold in real life.
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