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Old 07-22-2005, 05:34 PM   #204
Syndrome of a Down
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: West Chester
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I've gotten it with one of my characters, but haven't bothered to level it up yet -- I'm just going to bring my Volleyball along at Ascension anyway, and by the time I get the MechaMech cranked up I'm ready to Ascend again.

The Pickle is awesome because it does more than attack directly; its "caustic acid" attack seems to act like a Wussiness potion or Disco Face Stab and lower a monster's defenses. I've had many fights against the Sorceress where I couldn't touch her until the Pickle had acid-dripped on her once or twice.

That said, there's really only one area in the game where I use an attack familiar, and that's against the Sorceress. I just love the extra stat gains from the Volleyball too much, as they mean faster climbs to that magic 104-70-70 mark that lets me Ascend.

My first char (TT-PM-SA-TT-DB-DB) could've Ascended today, reaching the Sorceress with two turns to go, but couldn't pull out all of the best equipment for that fight and lost. He'll ascend tomorrow. The other (SC-DB-TT-PM-DB-TT) isn't far behind, and got out of Ronin at the very end of day 5. He has enough stats to tackle the Tower, but the Wheel in the Castle obstinately refused to appear.

#1 has Mad Looting Skills and will be adding Disco Face Stab. #2 is getting Sympathy. Not sure what they'll be going to next.
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