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Old 07-23-2005, 08:42 AM   #207
Syndrome of a Down
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: West Chester
Posts: 1,367
Headbutt + Chrome Helmet Turtle is a nice combination, an extra ~25-30 damage for 3 MP. Without a Chrome helmet, not so much. Wisdom of the Elder Tortoises is awesome (1.5x max MP) and was actually the first TT skill I kept for each character. The Shell skills have been nerfed badly. The familiar-related skills still rock.

Do everything and anything you can to boost Moxie; Sneaky Pete's Breath Spray, cans of hair spray, asbestos crossbows, that sort of thing. Early on it won't matter much, but the Airship and Castle can be a bitch if things are hitting you for 20+ per turn.
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