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Old 06-21-2002, 09:41 AM   #50
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
Israeli racism continues to murder innocent people. Shoppers in Jenin today were stocking up on bread and other foodstuffs in the market not knowing that a curfew was still in effect. Israeli soldiers decided to breakup the shoppings. A few bullets in the air? A warning on a bullhorn? Of course not. Two well directed TANK SHELLs at the shoppers. Oh, but they are only scum shit Palestinians. The dichead will see to it that this and so many other crimes against humanity are not enforced against the IDF. Firing tank shells at shoppers is acceptable? Of course when the objective is to drive them from the land. As for those emotional pictures, where is the one where IDF fires tank shells to disperse shoppers? Where are those pictures of war crimes by IDF in the previous invasion of Jenin? Where is the picture of Sharon laughing when told of another Palestinian death? That's OK. Sharon, like Hilter, was democratically elected. That makes him acceptable.

Place that little girl's picture next to one of a tank firing shells at shoppers. Where are the pictures of three Palestinian children killed only because they were shoppoing? Both murders directly traceable to one person - top management - the mass murder Sharon. Everyone else is irrelevant. Sharon does everything he can to continue the violence since that empowers his position. Sharon murdered that little girl.
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