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Old 01-26-2001, 02:11 PM   #19
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 1,788
Originally posted by wst3

There are a number of responsibilites associated with all of our freedoms, freedom of speech included. For the most part, the delineations have been made by the courts already (the famous example being that you are not free to yell fire in a crowded theatre... to do so would be irrespnosible!)
The "fire in a crowded theatre" standard was abused in the case in which it was set. The case was about a guy who was distributing pamphlets to potential draftees which alleged that the draft was a violation of the 13th amendment. This was found to be akin to shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre. In any case, there's certainly no way that shouting "fuck" on the radio is akin to shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre.


There are limits, however, and I can't think of a better place to establish them than my community! If you don't like my standards then one of us has to find a different community... which is kinda the key to making democracy work.
The limits are simple: "Congress shall make no law...".


While it is difficult indeed to put our rights into any specific order, I believe that freedom of speech and freedom of the press are two of the most important ones. The press may be irresponsible at times, and even clearly biased at other times, but I wouldn't trade that for any kind of control. Even when they publsh meaningless but sensational stories just to boost circulation or viewership.
Sure, if it weren't for meaningless and sensational stories, Inky subscribers would have to use the comics to start fires.
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