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Old 08-12-2005, 05:08 AM   #194
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Nantes (France)
Posts: 175
I'm cheating : I don't read them currently but I enjoyed them.
Do you forgive me ?

“A People’s History of the United States. 1492 – Present”
HarperCollins Publishers
written by Howard Zinn, professor in Boston University
the history of US seen by people who usually can’t tell their point of vue : Indians, slaves, trade unionists, soldiers, farmers, GIs in Vietnam…
A 800 pages bible. Very, very interesting.
I’m desperately looking for such a book about France.
How US constitution was written, racism was enacted in law, Texas and California were add to US, wars were decided…

To begin with new age :
“The celestine prophecy” James Redfield
“The Secret of Shambhala : In Search of the Eleventh Insight” James Redfield

Very interesting but not always true :
“Conversations with God, an uncommon dialogue” Neale Donald Walsch

“Mutant message down under” Marlo Morgan.
HarperCollins Publishers
American doctor initiated to Australian aboriginal mysteries. Excellent, easy to read.

“the biggest secret” : 1999 David Icke
(As for me, I know that all that’s esoteric (energy, symbols…) in this book is possible)
for people who enjoyed World history, UFO, Da Vinci Code, Illuminatis…
Even if you think it’s impossible and crazy, everybody should read such a book once.

In the same kind of book “Le livre jaune n°5” and “Le livre jaune n°6”
It’s a little less “crazy” than David Icke. I’ve just found it in French but it’s free on the web :

After those books we can read the Genesis in the bible.

A very creative art in France (and Belgium, like French fries) comics (sorry it’s not those I prefer) :
Clic ENTRER, bibliothèque on top, chose a picture, clic “lancer la lecture”, suite, zoom, suite page suivante…
I prefer page 9 : ”La conjuration d’opale”, ”le combat ordinaire” (excellent, need to be french to understand ?), p13 ”Où le regard ne porte pas”, p16 ”Thorgal”, p1 ”Bételgeuse”, p19 ”XIII”…

Maybe you can find a US one which is a masterpiece :
Maus : A Survivor's Tale : My Father Bleeds History / Here My Troubles Began
by Art Spiegelman about the Shoah

Favorite french classic novels :
“Count of Monte Cristo” Alexandre Dumas : really better than all films inspired by it.
“Michael Strogoff” Jules Vernes restless adventure without any boring description he’s used to.
“The Fortune of the Rougons” by Emile Zola

Good reading !
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