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Old 06-12-2001, 12:58 PM   #7
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Re: Deja Vu

Originally posted by Degrees
Turns out Memphis, TN has a similar problem. The city built a pyramid shaped basketball arena on the bank of the Mississippi, and it too is sinking into the water.

What happens when you build on soft, wet soil and an earthquake occurs? America's worst quakes are not in CA. The New Madrid quake, a century event, is long overdue. Memphis is right in the area. The last New Madrid quake was so violent that it rang church bells in Boston and toppled scaffolding around the Capitol dome in Washington DC. So instead they say - its can't happen here? Who do they use to make decisions fundamental underlying decisions - the US Supreme Court?

They built on the flood plain, they failed to build into virgin soil, and they constructed in a way that the stadium would collapse and kill tens of thousands during the expected earthquake.

Oh, I forgot. Building stadiums is the best thing for the economy - especially when the politicans can do the important work for less leaving more money for kickbacks - sorry - political campaign contributions.
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