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Old 08-30-2005, 04:33 AM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 82
Angry Illegal Immigrants Are Killing Us

I'm in Iraq, fighting terrorism from what they tell me, getting paid squat, spending a year away from my family, and I am constantly reading articles about Illegal Immigrants invading my own country. I would like to know why were are spending billions of dollars on this country, "fighting terrorism" and yet we throw away even more money at home by letting Illegals into the country to take more of our money.
The Illegals are bringing in disease, guns, drugs, possibly terrorists, gang members, and who knows what else, and we stand for it. We lose millions every year because of these people. We give them all the medical care they can take. We give them education that we pay for. Additionally, they send what money they earn back to Mexico. Hell, some states are even implementing a mandatory Spanish course for police, firemen, and EMTs so they can better communicate with people who don't speak English!!! Some congress people are trying to get them drivers licenses. There is even a man who wants Illegal Immigrants to have the power to vote at school board meetings. Are you kidding me? Not on my dime, Folks.
People, wake up! Let them come, yes, but lets make them legal so they have to at least pay taxes and earn what they get like the rest of us. Make them learn English so we don't have to waste our money on teaching people Spanish. It is America, last I knew. I think it's a shame there are parts of California where I can't even understand a person behind the counter at a gas station because they don't speak English.
"No thanks. I'll take my business elsewhere, Amigo."
Whether you agree with the war or not, you should pay attention to this illegal issue. This is our nation, People. This is America, not Amexico. I don't give a damn about Mexico's problems. They need to clean up their own backyard before they come in and start messing up ours. We need a stronger border. The politicians just don't seem to care. We need to wake them up a bit and remind them who is taking care of the bill-WE ARE. We need to remind them, we are the ones in charge. Write letters, make phone calls, start another website for the love of Pete. Do something. I can't believe this wasn't an issue on this website to begin with after all the praise I've heard about it....nothing on Illegal Immigration...Okay, I will begin the battle.
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