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Old 08-30-2005, 09:49 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by dar512
Not that I agree with nicotine, but I live in the Chicago 'burbs - so no fruit trees. The lot is small so I don't mind mowing. And I have a daughter on dish duty.

So I don't need immigrants for any of that.
But you do need your sugar. Sugar foolishly is produced in the US because your taxes pay for half of it. IOW Jose and Juan have no jobs. The sugar industry cannot move to where it is easy to produce AND where the people need jobs. So what do these people do? They do exactly as your own ancestors did when there were no jobs and where government / religious intolerance told them what religion to worship. Illegals go where the jobs are. There will be no stopping them by force because America needs them - in part thanks to the US government's enriching of selective industries.

If you have problem with illegal immigration, then start by demanding the administration stop subsidizing so many agricultural industries. As long as the government subsidizes food - and the biggest offenders are France and the U.S. - then we must import illegal immigrants in massive numbers.
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