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Old 08-30-2005, 10:49 AM   #104
Professor for the school of ass-clownery
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Surprise!
Posts: 404
Just an observation here...

There is a trend in the gas market that everyone seems to miss. At one point, we are paying $1.50 then it climbs to $1.80 and everyone complains. It drops but not past $1.70. Everyone is happy they're not paying $1.80 anymore but don't really complain we are now paying $0.20 more for gas than we were a few months ago. Gas goes up to $1.90 then drops back down but only to $1.80. Everyone's happy gas has gone down but now were paying $0.10 more than a few weeks prior. It seems (opperative word - SEEMS) it is a way the manufacturers bump the price of gas to offset higher cost on the manufacturering on their end. I realize supply and demand has something to do with it, of course, however, the price never seems to go back down to the level it was before the rise when supplies return to normal.

Just an observation here...

Purhaps this site can explain the basics of crude economics. I ran into this link. I haven't had a chance to read it all yet but it seems legit and informative.
That's it! Send in the chimps!
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