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Old 08-30-2005, 12:11 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by wolf
Welcome to the Cellar, Nicotinegun.

There is a difference, Radar, between welcoming immigrants who come in through the front door for the purpose of bettering themselves, producing, contributing, and, oh yeah, learning English and the folks who are sneaking across the border, working under the table, and sending their kids to school that they aren't paying for, receiving medical care that they aren't paying for, etc. etc.
The magic words are "working under the table," Wolf. American citizens are hiring illegal immigrants illegally. If Americans hired only legal workers and took deductions out of their wages for taxes, the illegals would be legal and they wouldn't be getting the "free ride" they are now. The story is not as simple as the evil Mexican, desperate for work. What's so wrong with wanting to work, anyhow? I think the employers that pay under the table are more at fault than the workers.
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