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Old 08-30-2005, 03:55 PM   #15
in a mood, not cupcake
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 3,034
Damn, ignorant crap like this pisses me off. OK, must calm down...must focus...

Those of you who think that illegal immigrants are leeching resources from us, without any return...Do you really think the IRS is that stupid?

There is a special tax ID number with which illegal immigrants can use to pay wage tax and Social Security. It's estimated that they pay in BILLIONS, and they usually do not end up collecting Social Security.

Why would illegal immigrants bother to get an ID number and pay taxes? Well, they are people who have most likely risked everything, including death, to come here and make better lives for themselves and their families. They see getting the special tax ID as a way to put themselves in good graces with the U.S. government.

Yes, some end up not being able to be as productive as they set out to be, and then there are the bad seeds. But for the most part, illegal immigrants have to rely on emergency health services because they work jobs which do not offer health care or allow them to afford health care insurance.

People always seems to forget this:

Originally Posted by Radar
America was built by immigrants. Unless he's 100% American Indian, the only difference between his family and illegal Mexican immigrants is the accent with which they speak. When European immigrants came to America, all they had to do was show up and they'd be welcomed.
My great-grandparents were Mexicans until New Mexico became a state in 1912. My great-grandfather spoke five languages, including Spanish--English was not one of them. Learning a little Spanish is not going to kill anyone, in fact, it will only help, because Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the world.

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