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Old 08-30-2005, 10:39 PM   #24
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You see, the main issue with illegal aliens is that...well, there illegal. They are breaking the law, they are here illegallly.
forget it hobbs, they don't have illegals traipsing through their backyards so this is purely intellectual for them. now if they move down here, they might be more interested in seeing the reality of it. if i think about it i will take some pics of Bell road some morning and post it. then everyone can see the illegals standing around waiting for someone to come and illegally hire their illegal asses.

Well this has totally buggered up my holiday plans. It was going to be a choice between Mexico and New Orleans.
go to mexico. it is a wonderful vacation spot (many parts), and you will be putting money into their economy, maybe getting some to stay home.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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