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Old 08-31-2005, 10:15 AM   #30
Resident President
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 82
Originally Posted by Radar
Nicotinegun is clearly a jingoistic, nationalistic, moron who is woefully lacking in education; in particular history.

America was built by immigrants. Unless he's 100% American Indian, the only difference between his family and illegal Mexican immigrants is the accent with which they speak. When European immigrants came to America, all they had to do was show up and they'd be welcomed.

Now we've got a bunch of idiots trying to close the borders, and trying to make it tougher and tougher for someone to come here to work to build a better life for their families.

America has always welcomed immigrants with open arms and always should. It keeps labor and goods reasonably priced. It keeps competition high. And it makes sure the best and brightest from all over the world come here to put America on top.

A Mexican coming here is just as American as anyone born here, if not moreso. He CHOSE to come here, and did something about it. He isn't American by accident of birth. He worked hard to make it happen. The best Mexicans in the world are in America. The best Europeans in the world are in America. The best black people in the world are in America. We've got the strongest, fastest, and smartest people on earth because we welcome everyone.

Only a fool with no understanding of freedom would be against allowing an unlimited number of immigrants to come to America. But then again, only a fool with no concept of freedom would take part in the war in Iraq. In fact only a traitor who has violated his oath would follow the wholly unlawful order to invade Iraq. Only a coward who was afraid to go to the brig would comply.

The answer isn't to close off our borders. The answer is to remove each and every single unconstitutional social program like medicare, social security, welfare, public schools, etc. so there is no incentive for people to come here seeking handouts. Only to seek opportunity so they'd be contributing and not leeching.
Radar, I am willing to make a significant wager I, not only have more education than you, but also a better quality education than you do. While earning my education at my universities, I was always given the impression that the more education one earns, the less one would have to call others names. How's the online GED coming along, Sport?
Hurricanes are racist!
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