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Old 09-01-2005, 02:49 AM   #68
Resident President
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 82
Talking I'm an in-flight rocket repair specialist

Originally Posted by marichiko
As an aside, I must say NICOTINEGUN does seem to have pretty free internet access above and beyond most of what our guys serving in Iraq generally have. But what do I know? Maybe they now give 1000 hours of free AOL issued with every tank.
It's my day off, Sister. But, like Lookout said, it does depend on what your job title is. I was recon for four years, so I've done my time. I can assure you, just because I'm not a shooter does not mean I'm not being shot at. I'm lucky. Yes, I'm on the computer. No, I don't kick down doors. However, I do get mortars dropped on my head. RPGs have flown over my head. I am away from my family, which I cherish most in life. So, here we are. Tankers rock, by the way. I've only met one tanker I didn't like. Anyway, remember this, I don't get aggresive until someone draws the proverbial first blood. Additionally, I assure you I am not a "knucle-dragger." I'm too far up in the trees for my knuckles to ever touch the ground.

Life is too short to be tight ass all the time. I couldn't care less if you support the War or not, but leave the whole "what's your job" thing alone, unless you been in a combat zone. It's ridiculous to even argue about. We're talking politics, right? Let's get it on!!!!!
Hurricanes are racist!
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