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Old 09-05-2005, 02:34 PM   #40
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Nantes (France)
Posts: 175
Originally Posted by NICOTINEGUN
I still think the Bush Administration created a machine that can create and manipulate hurricanes and did so in New Orleans to specifically target the black community. That's racist, Man. Can you believe an administration would do that? It's horrible
I agree with you, it's horrible and technically it's difficult to believe in.

But as an ideology we don't need to believe, but look back at history :
- Nazi's administration planned industrial extermination of Jewish, Tziganes, Blacks, Gays, Disabled...
(Extermination camps were tried by Germans in Africa, in Namibia in 1904 (before Hitler) against the Herero tribe).
(Nazis reached the power democratically)
- French WW2 Vichy administration against Jewish too... Trains were arriving on time.
- Communist administration in URSS (goulags)
- and so many others

I don't say that's what happened in NO.

But some peole are so in lack of humanity that they can imagine the worst against people they feel different.
If they've got the power, the administration they control can realise their crazy ideas, using the most efficient technologies.
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