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Old 09-06-2005, 04:24 PM   #64
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by Undertoad
When using the metaphor "play the race card" only the first player to play the card can be said to be "playing the card", or the metaphor fails. The first player to play the card was tw.
Again, UT, you want a pissy fight because you cannot tell the difference between 1) accusations of racism based in emotion VERSES 2) the politics of spin using the race card. The first is what you are doing to promote a pissy fight. I don't know why. Others sometimes blame this type of reactions on not getting laid. The second is pure logic: how politicians could play the spin game to cast blame elsewhere - to even prosper politically. Based upon how the administration and FEMA reacted, the race card has to be played. The games of politics dictate it.

The first demonstrates that UT cannot separate his emotions from a logical discussion. The second is about what people like Karl Rove are experts at accomplishing. The second interpretation is how a UT would have posted without emotional outbursts and insults.

The question was simple.
Show me where George Jr did anything last week to dispell the rumors of racism.
The answer was simple. The only examples provided are staged press photo opportunities. However UT has made numerous assumptions to add more to that question and start a pissy fight.

The point was to step slowly towards discussing the game that Karl Rove, et al will play. Slowly because so many people will attach personal baggage; modify the question before answering it. UT does that repeatedly here. Somehow UT wants to turn this into a race war rather than point out how the spin game is being played. This 'reading only what you want to read' problem is why I slowly stepped towards the point. It demonstrates how some cannot just read a question without taking that question out of context.

Meanwhile one paragraph in the very first post said I did not believe the President was racist. That little paragraph put there to keep UT types from starting a pissy fight. The question was never about a racist president. The question was 100% about perception and how politics will be played. UT could not keep 'pissy' emotions out of a logical discussion. And that is a shame.

UT cannot see the difference between playing the race card - a political game - verses outright pissy accusations of promoting racism. His pictures demonstrate how a politician would 'play the race card' - to stay ahead of racist accusations. Especially since George Jr's poor PR performance on Friday left him exposed to accusations of racism. Somehow UT thinks those pictures prove everything we need to know. And so UT gets pissy when I suggest a bigger picture behind those pictures.

I am suggesting a logical response that spin doctors are performing. Somehow UT has that confused with outright accusations of racism. If that were true, then this paragraph (that he did not read) would not have been in the very first post
At no time did I say George Jr is racist. You would never know that from UT's repsonses. But show us one action this last week that can dispell rumors. George Jr's actions this past week are what a racist would have done.
There remains a big difference between what I have posted and what UT is accusing me of. He is reading his own biases into the original question and the following discussion. I am demonstrating why some people, such as UT, can be so taken by spin. Why those spin doctors are so successful. And what I suspect they are doing this minute.

Last edited by tw; 09-06-2005 at 04:50 PM.
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