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Old 09-07-2005, 01:57 AM   #74
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 82
This is what I'm getting from all this: If W. helps Black people he's doing it for spin and he's a racist. If he doesn't do anything to specifically help black people he is a racist. So, either way W. is a racist? Is that correct?

Now, we must focus on the issue at hand, Gentlemen. Hollywood is always so quick to jump on helping other countries out of a jam. Additionally, many Hollywood actors are quick to place blame on our government while doing so. So why weren't they there on the drop of a hat when all this started to begin with? Do these actors have to wait for political motivation to do what they do? It appears that they waited until the Political bullshit started hitting the fan until any of the big hitters came into play. Of course, I could be wrong. I am limited on news sources.
Hurricanes are racist!
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