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Old 07-03-2002, 05:07 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Eureka, CA
Posts: 9
okay.. a little calmer now..

The real question is this: Why should the USA have a unilateral first strike... against ANYONE!?!?

I'm not convinced that "bad guy" SH really has anything up his sleeve, and hell, even if he did, didn't the USA put him in power, arm him, train him, and have him fight the people we wanted for fight... for awhile at least.

If the CIA put him in there, do they have a right to take him out? It kinda reminds me of "collateral damage"... If we can predict that X number of civilians will be killed in operation Y, shouldn't we take the responceablity? I mean, should we help the people we killed, or their area, or their family? Or not have the operation in the first place?

At what point does our widely reported terror attack become just a start of a wider, more devistating crime to people that had nothing to do with it? Why should they fall too?

I guess I'm asking too much, as the US government hasn't even owned up to the fact that we stole the land we are living on, killed hundreds of thousands with "biological weapons or mass destruction" like smallpox blankets, not to mention collective punishment for all Natives. Oh, and treaties that don't mean a thing, at least on one side.

Okay, now I'm going to sleep.

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