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Old 09-16-2005, 08:17 AM   #4
Professor for the school of ass-clownery
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Surprise!
Posts: 404
I agree Bri. How does this sort of thing keep happening. You think we would be smarter than this. However, the article says mice infected with the bacteria responisble for the plague. Doesn't sound as though they actually have it. (2nd) However, this is the media we are talking about. We have a narrow view of what the press and the lab's pub office wants us to hear. (3rd) However, I'm sure it is little risk, I didn't see any national coverage on this story. (final) However, plague-ridden mice is the least of our worries. Ms. Spears just had her baby and udoubtedly, this story will be the new plague of the nation.

Relax girl, there's no sense in worring about shit we can't control.
That's it! Send in the chimps!
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