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Old 09-21-2005, 12:08 AM   #36
changed his status to single
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Right behind you. No, the other side.
Posts: 10,308
howdy all - apparently it is a thread that i started that draws me back. i haven't been around lately as i've been busy with little lookout. the little bugger has been pretty sick and the doc can't figure it out. he has had between a 99 and 104 degree temp for nearly a month and a sinus infection that won't give up. one round of amoxicillin barely put a dent in it before it came back stronger than before. he's had chest xrays, sinus xrays, blood tests, urine tests, strep tests, mono tests... pretty much everything but a calculus test.

everything has come back negative - except for a sinus infection. the doc says "there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with him - other than he spikes 103.5 every other night." the doc is good, attentive, and proactively seeking answers - so it isn't that the doc isn't interested in looking for the cause - it's just that we haven't found it yet.

LL was born a month premie after spending 5 months being held in by a circlage that forced my wife into 24/7 bedrest (5 months!) during that time she was in constant labor, so they had to pump her full of steroids and other fun stuff to strengthen his lungs as quickly as possible so that if he came out too early he had a fighting chance. he has minor allergies, and minor asthma but has been otherwise healthy. until now.

so there you have - why i come back to the cellar. the ability to disappear for extended periods of time, drop back in, vent, and get back on with life. i have to go rock my son now.
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