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Old 09-21-2005, 12:10 PM   #18
High Propagandist
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 111
Once the 2nd amendment goes, so does this country

It stands to reason that the cost of living will be a major factor that no one has discussed yet. The way I see it once suburbanites get the shaft fully the preverbial you know what will hit the fan. With the precarious natrure of our infrastructure in this country, ie. almost complete dependence on oil for everything that needs to be transported, including food!, will be part of the beginning of the end. This is the factor to watch in a violent overthrow of this country. Accordingly, in reference to the post which quoted the DOI, the governemnt isn't making the proper legislation for the people right now. Congress just passed a pork filled energy bill recently, not which one part of it really dealt with the reality of the average citizen's situation and furthermore, was an obvious piece of pork filled legislation aimed at benefiting certain energy lobby interests in DC. There will be a major energy crisis and the supplies that aren't being hit with a 10% inflationary increase at that time, won't be able to shipped at all. A major hault to oil production would mean the end of Dick Cheney's America, as it has been told by many recent authors. This in conjuction with the thin social fabric in this country, one beset by over immigration and greed, regional conflicts will abound when people who have never done more than shelp their kids to soccer games and got groceries have to fend for themselves. The continuing oil crunch, environmental effects of pollution, and the threat of a potential attack make for a strong scenario of martial law being declared at some point in the not too distant future.

Bottom line is folks: Once you have everybody in power in the federal government calling for the seizing of arms you know this country is dead. I say stockpile as many weapons as you can without drawing attention to yourself . Start front PACs and organizations to minimize your exposure, that is until the whole entire fabric of our society unravels, which isn't far away by the way. Through these funnel funds and collect other indivduals willing to collect arms as indivduals, start a network, a silent network. Sub divide the front to keep things moving and under the radar, and wait for the proper moment to seize power, ie. after a major catastrophe. Hey just remember: "they got the guns be we got the numbers" With the mishandling of the Iraq war and the debacle that was Katrina, I question the moblization efforts against a domestic threat in the time of national direst.

What would it take for me? well I'm pretty much already there, I'm just waiting for the sweater to start to really unravel then mobilize.......

Last edited by iamthewalrus109; 09-21-2005 at 12:58 PM. Reason: addition
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