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Old 09-22-2005, 09:45 AM   #205
Professor for the school of ass-clownery
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Surprise!
Posts: 404
Jump the shark, the dolphine, and the whale. TW, TW, TW. What the hell are you talking about? We're talking about gas prices and all of a sudden you onto religous chosen leaders? I'm not ever sure I understand what your point to this comment is. That when we elect a non-religious leader that God leaves us alone as opposed to a religious leader? That doesn't make sense. Purhaps I am just misreading your intent, purhaps not. I have read many of your past posts. What is your point, what is your position. I never took you as a religious zelot type TW, so this is a strange angle you've taken. And I have to agree, the Hitler reference, although this point is probly the only one that I get (sort of), was off base.

Side note: The largest major disaster? Could that be Mt. St. Helen, back in 1980? Or how about the earthquake in san Francisco back in 1901? Okalahoma bombing? 9/11? Earthquake in Alaska 1964? Colombine shootings in Colorado? Plenty of disasters to go around.
That's it! Send in the chimps!
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