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Old 10-09-2005, 08:51 PM   #15
Icy Queen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Southeast Alaska
Posts: 700
Garbage is a tricky issue up here. We have been told that if we have *anything* stinky in our garbage cans or outside our homes, then we can be ticketed with baiting bears. God forbid we shoot one for being on our porch.
They want us to freeze our "stinky" garbage until pickup day, then put it out. Our garbage can is plenty scarred from bears, even with nothing "stinky" in it.
Cats - hmm...... I have a few, and yes, they will get into anything, but frankly the responsibilty lies with the owner.... do you know if this (or these) cats are always outdoors?

Here's what a friend of ours did.... he got a live trap, and once he had the cat, he sprayed it down with some kind of non-toxic neon paint, let it go, and whaddya know - it never came back.
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