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Old 10-09-2005, 11:28 PM   #20
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
Wow. Some animal is getting in the trash. Therefore it’s the cats fault. It’s the neighbors fault. This is justification for war. They are messing with my life. I have rights to use deadly force as necessary to protect my trash! This is a disaster and others are to blame!!!

Problem created by a homeowner who is too cheap to buy a trash can. Why so many posts? Homeowners take full responsibility for their own trash. Solution so trivial - a Walmart trash can.

"But my rights are at stake!" Get a life ... and a trash can. This whole thread is as comic as defendants on Judge Judy. Who is both the human and homeowner? 85% of all problems are traceable to top management - that is too cheap to buy a $12 trash can. As if we don't get enough of this 'blame others' nonsense from a lying president. So now it is acceptable from the neighbor?

This is why some towns had to even waste town council's time making laws that demand homeowners buy more trash cans. And even in the Cellar, some would actually condone this "only I am important" attitude.

Buy the trash can. All problems solved. All posts here then made completely irrelevant. I am embarrassed at how few posters even understood that basic homeowner responsibility. There is only one problem here. The homeowner who does not put all trash inside a trash can - and instead blames the cat.
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