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Old 10-14-2005, 05:56 PM   #12
Constitutional Scholar
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Ocala, FL
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Originally Posted by Beestie
I offer you the Red pill or the White pill.

If you elect to take the Red pill, you will be permitted to travel back in time and terminate one person of your choosing who, at present, is already deceased. After one hour, you will return to the present at the exact moment you left.

If you choose the White pill you will take the place of any person you wish for seven days. You will be that person for one week. After seven days, you will return to your own life which will have proceeded normally in your absence - no one will know that you left.

Here are the conditions for the Red pill:

You can choose any post-adolescent point in the person's life to execute them. Your safety will not be in jeopardy - only the person you are scheduled to terminate can see you but you will be granted omnipotence over them. You will be provided with the weapon(s) of your choice. You have one hour. You can elect not to carry out the execution but you will be sacrificed in their place by ceasing to exist at the end of the hour. You can choose to inflict injury on any scale. God agrees to absolve you of your action or inaction should that be a consideration. You must decide before taking the pill whether you will remember nothing never to recall or remember everything never to forget.

Here are the conditions for the White pill:

None. However, the person whose place you took will be responsible for whatever actions you took while you were them as though they themselves took the action. You do not have the option of forgetting. [added: when you return, the knowlege and memories of the person you became are added to your own]

So, what'll it be? Red, White or abstain? Tell us about your adventure.

[edited to add clarification to effects of the White pill]

I'd take the red pill, but I'd be tempted to take the white pill to be Brad Pitt for a week or so.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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