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Old 10-16-2005, 01:01 AM   #34
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 11,933
Originally Posted by Beestie
I offer you the Red pill or the White pill.
Why would anyone want to fix the past? Humanity lived those bad experiences once. If the past is fixed, then nothing has been learned; mankind will only relive those experiences again.

As bad as the past may have been, facts remain. We are suppose to live for the future; learn from our mistakes - even if it is a spouse:
One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small,
One pill makes you richer and one pill cures them all
But what the doormouse said: "Feed your head! Feed your head!"

Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition. We even put essential military functions in the National Guard so we would never relive Vietnam. How many were so high on drugs (or a Christian agenda) as to let that lesson get repeated?

Ah hell. Where'd I put the bong? My drugs are color blind and therefore politcally correct. Another lesson lost in the haze of pills?
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