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Old 10-17-2005, 11:27 AM   #22
work in progess
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 100
I sense a little animosity.
Maybe it's just me.

I assure you, I am normal in every way. Growing up here hasn't been a bowl of cherries but it hasn't been all that bad either. I am sure growing up in a small town would suck, Utah or anywhere, if you're different you are an outcast. There are assholes who would deny a person a drink of water wherever you go. It's a pity that woman even exists on the planet. Mormons are supposed to represent their church and be the good Sam. I am sure this happens about 1/2 the time. But come on you guys have to admit, there are shitheels as well as good people everywhere you go. There are over the top bible pounding religious freaks everywhere you go.
You are entitled to your opinion of Utah and it's strange inhabitants. I guess I just figured the folks here at the Cellar would be a tad more open minded. Geez, I feel like I walked into a witch burning

oh, and I could give two shits about the factual history. Religion by it's very nature has skeletons in its closet, under the bed, buried under the front porch.

I am pretty sure the NO refugees haven't been forced to attend church on Sunday. I think they were put up at an army base up north of SLC. How dare those fucking mormons try and help someone in need. Those fuckers just wanted to gain a few more lambs for their flock.
If ignorance is bliss...Why aren't more people happy?

Last edited by undone; 10-17-2005 at 11:32 AM.
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