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Old 10-20-2005, 09:12 PM   #13
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Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally Posted by dar512
But in this case, I gotta go with Rock Steady and buster. Sometimes it's just too much trouble to pick the fly shit out of the pepper.
5 minutes to collect information is too long? Rock Steady will spend hours rebuilding a system without any reasons for that work to be successful. Without even knowing why he has a failure. He is assuming a software problem when the problem is probably a hardware one.

For example, let's say the failure is a bad disk. He has spent how long reloading that bad disk only to have it still fail. Meanwhile, in five minutes, the system (event) log from the original system could have reported the problem. Information he destroyed because he did what so many do - shotgun.

The Dell diagnostic (available to everyone without wasteful human intervention on a phone, also located on Dell disks, and also provided with my system on a CD) may have also reported the problem. Both information sources in five minutes would save Rock Steady hours of wasted effort.

Responsible manufacturers provide comprehensive diagnostics. Such diagnostics are not provided by Gateway and not provided by clone computer manufacturers. Yes one can download numerous, individual diagnostics from component manufacturers. That takes longer.

Meanwhile, the 'nuke and pave' option takes longer, destroyed user data on the drive only on speculation, destroyed any hope of learning from XPs diagnostic information, and then still may not solve the problem.
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