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Old 07-19-2002, 08:11 PM   #1
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 12,486
Introvert? Sycamore?! That's just crazy talk!

A coworker Tuesday either paid me the highest compliment, or unwittingly told a funny joke.

As we're standing outside on break, she remarks, "You're so quiet. You never say anything."

I couldn't help but Quiet? Hah! What a crock.

As a whole, I am generally outgoing at a job, and like to make crack remarks and keep things light. That has not been the case at my current job.

(Incidentally, things have calmed considerably at my job. All but 3 temps were let go, including the moron one that made my life miserable. I also have very little contact with my boss now, so the last 3 weeks have been incredibly peaceful. Still don't like it, but it's tolerable...boring, if anything.)

It could be a combination of factors. I DID get in trouble for "talking too much" at my last job, even though I don't feel I talked anymore than others. In addition, this current company (or at least the manager that represents it to me) made a horribly bad impression on me from day one. The people at my job all socialize and kid around...but they don't seem to like temps. They FINALLY seem to be warming up to us...after 6 weeks.

As a whole, while I am outgoing, I am generally a rather private person. Yeah, that may sound a bit crazy. I do like to share things here, with the hope that you folks may take something away from it, or offer me new insight. I think I speak rather openly here, yet I don't feel like I'm compromising my privacy. The way I see it, I don't fake things here on the Cellar, yet the almost 2000 postings I have made thus far really only represent a part of who I am. I may think I know some of you really well, but in reality, I really don't. And vice versa. Imagine if we had some of our big discussions (Palestine, guns) in person...

But anyway...back to the work deal. I think I finally have a "good temp attitude" down. I'm there to help out. I'm as important as your core employees, but you may not think so. That's alright...I'll let you revel in your fantasy world. When it ends, it ends. If I find something better before you can cut the string, then I'll do it. Until separation comes, just give me some work, let me do it, shut the fuck up, and leave me alone. That may sound a bit negative, but I find it to be incredibly positive, and it allows me to keep a level-headed perspective about things.

In applying this to my current job, it's like this: You may not like me, and I don't like you. But, you need me right now to process your loan sales, transfers, and cancellations. So, why don't you give me a pile of them to do, allow me to ask questions when necessary, let me go back to my corner cubicle to do them, give me more when I'm done, and leave me the fuck alone. ¿Entiéndame? Bien.

So, if folks want to think I'm the quiet guy that does his work and causes no problems, I'm cool with that. It certainly beats being branded a shit-disturber, though that can be fun as well.
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