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Old 07-22-2002, 11:57 AM   #9
Major Inhabitant
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Between a rock and a hard place...
Posts: 122
Originally posted by MaggieL

Spin, you never did explain exactly what it was you were doing that got you chased out of PA that time, didja? :-) Sounds like you're still stinging from being sent home for misbehaving.
I was driving from a church function (not kidding) at a state park home. Last I looked that wasn't something that warrented the local redneck enforcement to get on my ass. Personally, that really has very little to do with my feelings on guns. I really don't have a problem with most guns, I have yet to see a good reason for assult rifles. They are pointless for hunting, they aren't really good for defending your home. They only thing are good for is a bunch of untrained idiots to go play soldier. Oh and killing people with body armor (like cops).
Don't turn you back on the bottle, its never turned its back on you.
-Boozy the Clown
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