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Old 11-01-2005, 11:12 AM   #61
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
If the ACLU believes that Y is wrong, they take the case. X is irrelevant.
Which makes them amoral scum, IMHO. And it's not whether they believe Y is wrong, it's whether they believe that fighting Y will help maintain or increase their funding from fringe groups -- their only source of power, by the way.

The ACLU began nobly, answering real problems and fighting real injustice. Once their mission was accomplished (i.e., blacks have attained their rightful equality in the eyes of the law), they didn't want to let go of their lobbying power. So now, they'll jump into bed with anyone, no matter how repugnant, to keep their jobs and maintain the illusion of relevancy.

Screw em.
Sìn a nall na cuaranan sin. -- Cha mhór is fheairrde thu iad, tha iad coltach ri cat air a dhathadh
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