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Old 11-01-2005, 07:36 PM   #63
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The ACLU began in 1920. It was not established for the express purpose of winning racial equality. In its first year, the ACLU fought the campaign of harassment and deportation ordered by U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer against politically radical immigrants, supported the right of Industrial Workers of the World members and other trade unionists to hold meetings and organize, and secured the release of hundreds of activists imprisoned for their anti-war views and activities.

In 1925, it was the ACLU who hired attorney Clarence Darrow for the defense in the infamous Scopes "monkey" trial in Tennessee which, if you will recall, had to do with teaching evolution in the public schools.

I'm glad that you feel the work of the ACLU is done in this age of racial harmony, intelligent design, and the Patriot Act.

I disagree, and so do the people who continue to donate money to this private, non-profit organization.
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