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Old 11-06-2005, 09:46 PM   #7
Vice-President of Resentment
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Connecticut
Posts: 190
Originally Posted by melidasaur
I have done that many times and have ended up with a white, black or green hand. I guess I'm just curious.

My stupid things are usually just ditzy things... and considering that I'm really not all that ditzy to begin with it makes them even more funny.

A few weeks ago, I squirted toothpaste on my hand, believing that it was facial lotion but I was about to brush my teeth so it just didn't make sense. I scraped it off with my toothbrush and carried on with my tooth cleaning.

I tend to trip and fall when just walking down the street - and by fall I mean that I am flat out laying on my face!

I've run several stop lights thinking that they were stop signs.

I've stopped at green lights - again - see above.

I often forget that I'm clipped into the pedals on my bike and fall over.

If I think of anymore - I will list them, but for now - I'm depressed by my stupidity.
LMAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We would get along great!!! Love the bike fall over one!!!!
I like to know stuff!
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